
Monday, September 28, 2015

Live in the Moment- Recognize God's Greatest Blessings

Two important things that a friend challenged me to aspire toward:

- Always live in the moment; live to the fullest in whatever situation I find myself in, and don't be wishing I was somewhere else or thinking about something else- live to the fullest the moment that God has given me, in the place where He's put me right now.

-Don't just try to "make it through" something difficult and come out alive on the other side- don't only think, "God has a plan for this and down the road I'll look back and see that this was the best way;"  don't be discouraged and in despair about the process; rather, embrace it as the Lord trying to teach me and "grow" me- as the painful process itself being the blessing! Not just enduring till the purpose is accomplished but realizing that God has a plan for the whole thing, including every minor detail, and this is kind of my "college;" I need to get as much out of it as I possibly can, learn and grow however He intends for me to! Not just "get thru it." I'll be totally missing out on some of God's greatest blessings. From the outside, to some my situation may look terrible or wrong somehow, but the beauty of it is, God takes the badest, wrongest, hardest most painful parts and turns them into the very best of all, the greatest blessings!


  1. Wow! Thanks so much for sharing this! That second point was really good!
    Right now the Lord is taking me through one of those "difficult" times and yes I confess I have often had that mindset, "Oh if I can only get through this time!" or "I just need to survive the next couple weeks/days!" this post was quite encouraging and helped put things into perspective!

    1. Wow, thank you Charity! I was blessed by your comment. Yes I know exactly what you mean- I will keep you in my prayers. I haven't been doing a great job of remembering this myself- it's really hard! It's easy to say it and know that it's true...but it's so hard to actually put it into practice. That's where the grace of God comes in. It's definitely a journey.
